Category: Uncategorized

Secretary of State rejects Leeds trolleybus application

On the 12th May 2016, the Department for Transport announced that Secretary of State Patrick McLoughlin, had decided to accept the recommendation of Inspector Martin Whitehead and reject the application by Leeds City Council and Metro to build a trolleybus system. Here is a summary of Mr McLoughlin’s decision: The scheme would improve public transport […]

Lord Ahmad to make trolleybus decision

It was reported today on MP Greg Mulholland’s website,1 that Robert Goodwill will not after all be deciding the future of the trolleybus proposal. The announcement is the result of concern expressed by Mr Mulholland to Transport Secretary Patrick Mcloughlin about remarks made by Mr Goodwill in 2009 which indicated his support for the proposal. […]

Minister in trolleybus controversy

In 2005, Transport Secretary Alistair Darling refused to give Leeds the money for a Supertram scheme similar to Sheffield’s.1 Now, ten years later, and following a six months long public inquiry in 2014, Leeds waits to hear whether transport minister Robert Goodwill will give Leeds approval for an inferior and much cheaper trolleybus system.2 As […]

Ministerial bias in favour of trolleybus

. In a letter to Greg Mulholland MP, Transport Minister Robert Goodwill has confirmed that he will be the minister responsible for deciding whether or not the trolleybus scheme is given the go-ahead.1 The minister told Mr Mulholland he was “replying as the Minister responsible for decisions under the Transport and Works Act (TWA) on […]

A660 Joint Council Deputation 8.7.15

oooo A deputation from the A660 Joint Council informs councillors at a full meeting of Leeds City Council, that there are ten major errors in the council’s Draft Site Allocations Plan relating to open space calculations, which mean that Hyde Park and Woodhouse ward has a deficit in open space and not a surplus as […]

Traffic Survey

Following reports from residents that a traffic survey is taking place along the A660, MP Greg Mulholland has discovered that the survey is one of several, and that they are in preparation for the trolleybus and are costing £160k. The inspector’s report and the Transport Secretary’s decision on the trolleybus are not expected until either […]

Protest is front page news

The Belle Isle Circus Bear

The recent picnic on Belle Isle Circus attracted the attention of a bear hitherto unseen in the area. Whilst picnickers in the American west are warned not to feed the bears, such a warning hadn’t been thought necessary on Belle Isle Circus. The question now on everyone’s mind is, “Is the bear dangerous?” For an […]

Monument Moor Picnic

Thank you everyone who helped organise, and everyone who came along to this afternoon’s picnic. Thanks too to everyone who brought along cakes and other delicacies they’d made specially for the occasion. I think we all had a very nice time. The weather was wonderful, there was lots of delicious food to eat, and interesting […]

Belle Isle Circus Picnic

A big thank you to everyone who came along to today’s protest picnic on Belle Isle Circus and to passing motorists for all their messages of support. Thanks too to everyone who brought along food to share. The scones, samosas and butterfly buns were delicious. I didn’t have any of the wonderful looking pineapple cake […]